viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Body language

First of all I'll mention the vocabulary I'll show:

  1. Tapping fingers
  2. Stroke chin
  3. Fold arms
  4. Staring 
  5. Clench his teeth
  6. Nod
  7. Frown
Tapping fingers is when you're playing with your hands.
Stroke chin is when you make a face using your hand like pointing to your left or right, near your chin. This means you're thinking.
Fold arms is when you....Yes!!! fold your arms, this means you're not receiving information from someone. 
Staring. This means you're interested on something or someone. Or maybe you're a stalker.
Clench teeth. This happens when you're angry. It's like GRRRR.
Nod. Is just saying yes with your head.
Frown. Is when you want something and you don't get it. For example you are a child that wants a toy and he has been asking for it for Christmas, then he opens his present and, guess what? He didn't get the toy he wanted, the face he does that's frown.

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